Outdoor Adventures

Come Explore Some Of Montana's Best Outdoor Recreation
No matter where you are in Deer Lodge County you are minutes away from a breathtaking outdoor experience. From easy to extreme you will find the adventure that you are looking for.
Recreate Responsibly
Pack it in, pack it out.
Anything you take into nature with you also needs to be taken out by you. This means garbage, pet waste and everything in between. And if you see garbage that’s not yours, we encourage you to pick that up and pack it out, too.
Leave the outdoors outside.
Don’t take rocks, plants, trees, flowers or any other wild thing with you.
Be considerate of those around you.
Oftentimes, folks head to the outdoors to enjoy the peace and solitude that’s found there. As much as possible, let the sounds of nature prevail, while also keeping in mind that Montana is bear country and it’s well-advised to make noise as you hike in the outdoors to let wildlife know you’re there.
Share the trail and follow posted guidelines.
Most trails in northwest Montana are multi-use and you may encounter hikers, mountain bikers and horseback riders. Take a minute and learn the yield triangle: mountain bikers yield to horses and foot traffic; hikers yield to horses and descending riders; and downhill hikers yield to hikers heading uphill. And if you’re biking, be sure to help keep single-track trails just that by staying on the trail, avoiding muddy trails and riding through – and not around – standing water. Resources: IMBA Rules of the Trail.
Leave No Trace.
Respect public lands and waters, as well as Native and local communities. Take all of your garbage with you.